
How to Multiply in Google Sheets

Marty Youssef
Last updated on
January 1, 2024

Multiplying numbers in Google Sheets is a fundamental skill that can enhance your data management and analysis capabilities. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using basic multiplication formulas and multiplying multiple cells.

How to Multiple Numbers Directly in Google Sheets

This straightforward approach is perfect for performing rapid calculations without the need for referencing other cells. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open a new or existing Google Sheets document.
  2. Click on the cell where you want the multiplication result to appear.
  3. Directly enter the multiplication formula with numbers. For example, type =5*3.
  4. Press Enter. The cell will now display the result, which in this case is 15.
How to Multiple Numbers Directly in Google Sheets

How to Multiple Numbers Using Cell References in Google Sheets

Cell references allow you to use the data in cells for calculations, making your spreadsheet dynamic and adaptable. Here's how to do it:

  1. Enter the numbers you want to multiply in separate cells. For example, put 5 in cell A1 and 3 in cell B1.
  2. Click on the cell where you desire the result.
  3. Type = followed by the cell references and the multiplication symbol. For example, =A1*B1.
  4. Press Enter, and the cell will display the product of the numbers in A1 and B1.

This method is ideal for scenarios where your data might change, as the formula will automatically update the result.

How to Multiple Numbers Using Cell References in Google Sheets

How to Use the Multiply Formula in Google Sheets

Google Sheets offers a specific formula for multiplying two numbers, known as the 'MULTIPLY' formula. The 'MULTIPLY' formula in Google Sheets is specifically designed for multiplying two numbers. Its syntax is =MULTIPLY(number1, number2).

  1. To use this formula, first enter the two numbers you want to multiply in separate cells, such as 5 in cell A1 and 3 in cell B1.
  2. Click on the cell where you want the result.
  3. Type =MULTIPLY(A1, B1) and press Enter. The cell will now display 15, the product of the numbers in A1 and B1.
How to Use the Multiply Formula in Google Sheets

How to Use the Product Formula on Google Sheets

For multiplying more than two numbers, Google Sheets provides the 'PRODUCT' function. This is particularly useful for multiplying a series of values.

Here is how to use it:

  1. Enter the numbers you wish to multiply in a range of cells, for instance, A1 to A5.
  2. Select the cell where you want the result.
  3. Enter the formula =PRODUCT(A1:A5).
  4. Press Enter, and the cell will display the product of all numbers in the range A1 to A5.

This function is highly efficient for multiplying several numbers, making it invaluable for extensive data calculations and analyses.

How to Use the Product Formula on Google Sheets


With this tutorial, you're now equipped to tackle various multiplication tasks in Google Sheets. Whether it's simple number crunching or complex data calculations, the ability to multiply efficiently can significantly enhance your spreadsheet management skills.

Marty Youssef
Marty is a digital marketer with over 8 years working with clients to introduce word class software solutions for their business.